Archivi tag: Rain

Smell of rain

It’s almost three months since it rains here in Sicily, the screws seemed to dry, the heat was a torment in this italian summer. This year i had a lot of targets, one of them was to learn English so good to pass an English Test, an important English Test. In the past this test was so bad that my life was irrimediably changed, i don’t know if better or worse, it’s soon to say that. This will be a sort of revenge of this small part of my life, don’t close doors in my life, but try to open others doors, although now it’s harder and more difficult than before. Evert thing has its time, but it’s never to late for anything. Sometimes you have just to wait the right moment, to be more mature. It’s important not the results, but what you have inside, your commitment. Today i’m happy, i have the happiness when you follow a path to your dreams, everthing is better, the Sun and all is around you is changed. now you can see a different colour, a different scent, new things… It’s so nice the smell of wet street, it’s special, it’s romantic and full of memories, you remember childhood memories when you used to run in the countryside… Thanks God!